Where academic tradition
meets the exciting future

Participating in Courses

Taking part in courses and having the credits registered requires a matriculation number (student number) from the university, where the course is arranged. Each university has its own matriculation numbers and holds its own study records.

In order to participate in a specific course or study module offered by one of the other universities than your home university, you must apply for the right to participate in this specific course or study module. Please, use the Joopas service for this purpose. The matriculation number, which you will get the first time you get the right to participate in a course or study module, will then be used for all courses that you will attend at that university.

The credits are registered in the study records of the university, where the course is arranged. In order for these credits to be registered in the study records of your home university they must be transferred. Information about the procedures related to the transfer of credits can be obtained from your home university. The principle is that the student, who has passed his/her exam(s) successfully, picks up an official record transcript from the university, where the course was arranged, and takes it to his/her home university (faculty).

JOOPAS - Flexible Study Service