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Developing a Customisable Programming Environment for Message Passing based Systems

Mats Aspnäs, Thomas Långbacka, Ivan Porres, Developing a Customisable Programming Environment for Message Passing based Systems. In: Proceedings of the 4th Nordic Transputer Conference (NTUG'95), Parallel Programming and Applications, 370--380, IOS Press, 1995.


We describe DiGraph, a customisable graph editor that has been built using the Tcl/Tk programming system. We show how DiGraph can be customised to act as a programming environment for the Hathi-2 transputer machine. We also discuss how DiGraph could be used as a base for building programming environments to other parallel/distributed systems that use point-to-point message passing.

BibTeX entry:

  title = {Developing a Customisable Programming Environment for Message Passing based Systems},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 4th Nordic Transputer Conference (NTUG'95)},
  author = {Aspnäs, Mats and Långbacka, Thomas and Porres, Ivan},
  series = {Parallel Programming and Applications},
  publisher = {IOS Press},
  pages = {370--380},
  year = {1995},

Belongs to TUCS Research Unit(s): Software Construction Laboratorium

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