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Digital Wellness for Young Elderly: Research Methodology and Technology Adaptation

Christer Carlsson, Pirkko Walden, Digital Wellness for Young Elderly: Research Methodology and Technology Adaptation. In: Bled eConference, 2015.


The age group 60-74 has in recent years started to be labelled the “young elderly” as it refers to people in transition from regular working life to retirement (or semi-retirement in many cases). Studies we have carried out about the development of mobile services have shown that the young elderly have been discarded as a customer group as they are regarded as “not trainable” and “not interesting”. This group of consumers represent 18-23% of the market in most industrialised countries and can pay for the services they want and are going to use; thus they represent a potentially very large market. Digital wellness services for the “young elderly” that are built on mobile technology represent a new approach to wellness services and will – most probably – open up a new service industry.

BibTeX entry:

  title = {Digital Wellness for Young Elderly: Research Methodology and Technology Adaptation},
  booktitle = {Bled eConference},
  author = {Carlsson, Christer and Walden, Pirkko},
  year = {2015},

Belongs to TUCS Research Unit(s): Institute for Advanced Management Systems Research (IAMSR)

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