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Cognitive maps: an attempt to trace mind and attention in decision-making

L. Albäck, Malin Brännback, Thomas Finne, K Nihtilä, Patrik Rantanen, Cognitive maps: an attempt to trace mind and attention in decision-making. In: Cognitive Maps and Strategic Thinking, Meddelanden Från Ekonomisk-Statsvetenskapliga Fakulteten vid Åbo Akademi A: 442, Åbo Akademi Press, 1995.

BibTeX entry:

  title = {Cognitive maps: an attempt to trace mind and attention in decision-making},
  booktitle = {Cognitive Maps and Strategic Thinking},
  author = {Albäck, L. and Brännback, Malin and Finne, Thomas and Nihtilä, K and Rantanen, Patrik},
  series = {Meddelanden Från Ekonomisk-Statsvetenskapliga Fakulteten vid Åbo Akademi A: 442},
  publisher = {Åbo Akademi Press},
  year = {1995},

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