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Governing Medication Information – Asset Specificity in the e-Health Context

Reetta Raitoharju, Eeva Aarnio, Reima Suomi, Governing Medication Information – Asset Specificity in the e-Health Context. In: Maria Manuela Tavares Antonio J. Simoes Ricardo Cruz-Cunha (Ed.), Handbook of Research on Developments in e-Health and Telemedicine: Technological and Social Perspectives, 851–862, Information Science Reference, 2010.


Health care applications are technically complex and the software and hardware markets for medical technologies are less mature than for many other fields. Although there should be an interplay between design and the usage of systems, this is often not the case in the health care sector. Currently, information is often bound to a location or institution due to fragmented information systems. Using the notion of asset specificity as a theoretical background, we conducted interviews in the Finnish primary health care system. The interviews were analyzed and examples of real life situations are provided to guide designers of information systems for the health care sector.

BibTeX entry:

  title = {Governing Medication Information – Asset Specificity in the e-Health Context},
  booktitle = {Handbook of Research on Developments in e-Health and Telemedicine: Technological and Social Perspectives},
  author = {Raitoharju, Reetta and Aarnio, Eeva and Suomi, Reima},
  editor = {Cruz-Cunha, Maria Manuela Tavares Antonio J. Simoes Ricardo},
  publisher = {Information Science Reference},
  pages = {851–862},
  year = {2010},
  keywords = {asset specificity, medication information, governance},

Belongs to TUCS Research Unit(s): Health and Medical Informatics Institute, Network Economics Institute

Publication Forum rating of this publication: level 1

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