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Interactive Homepage of Non-Profit Organization

Kim Fagerudd, Eija Koskivaara, Interactive Homepage of Non-Profit Organization. In: Joaquim Filipe, José Cordeiro (Eds.), Third International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies, Proceedings: Society, e-Business and e-Government, e-Learning, Web Information Systems and Technologies XIII, 175-178, WEBIST, 2007.


This paper presents how local orienteering club with the interactive homepage attract new members, and communicate with people interested in or involve with the club. Especially, the children and youth sector is presented. This communication way is important in the city, where orienteering places are around the city and surroundings. Orienteering really is a hobby for the whole family – a real sport for all who wants to promote physical activity with metal and social well-being. It can be practised almost anywhere in the world, in all kinds of terrain from parks to woods. A map and a compass, and suitable outdoor clothes are all you need to get started. Orienteers navigate their way round a with the map and compass. To reach orienteering places is challenging, especially for newcomers, as the physical activity place changes almost
every time, otherwise orienteer’s learns the terrain too well and the mental feedback is not so rewarding anymore. The interactive homepage of youth sector have eight items.

BibTeX entry:

  title = {Interactive Homepage of Non-Profit Organization},
  booktitle = {Third International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies, Proceedings: Society, e-Business and e-Government, e-Learning},
  author = {Fagerudd, Kim and Koskivaara, Eija},
  volume = {XIII},
  series = {Web Information Systems and Technologies},
  editor = {Filipe, Joaquim and Cordeiro, José},
  publisher = {WEBIST},
  pages = {175-178},
  year = {2007},
  keywords = {Non-profit organisation, sport, well-being, homepage},

Belongs to TUCS Research Unit(s): Network Economics Institute

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