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Analyzing Mobile Phone Use: The Adoption of Technologies and Services by Young People

Anita Gajurel, Jarno Kankaanranta, Arho Suominen, Analyzing Mobile Phone Use: The Adoption of Technologies and Services by Young People. In: The 21st International Conference on Management of Technology (IAMOT 2012), 1–12, International Association for Management of Technology, 2012.


The study focuses on the mobile phone and mobile service adoption among young male consumers. The study compares two data sets; a data based on an online survey of male university students between the ages of 18 - 30 and a previously gathered dataset by Autio and Wilska (2001) Previous data was re-examined with a categorical approach to the data, which suggested, that young male consumers are a relatively homogenous group. In addition, new data on the male student group, regarded as an early adopter group, suggested that young consumers are a conservative mobile phone user group. Although hypothesized to be early adopter group, the majority of the respondents only spend a modest amount to monthly mobile expenses and most of them have not bought applications to a smart phone at their use. Comparing the datasets, during the last 10 years the use of mobile phones has changed. The mobile phones have become a more integral part of the life of a young consumer. However, results suggest young consumers to be a homogenous and conservative consumer group.

BibTeX entry:

  title = {Analyzing Mobile Phone Use: The Adoption of Technologies and Services by Young People},
  booktitle = {The 21st International Conference on Management of Technology (IAMOT 2012)},
  author = {Gajurel, Anita and Kankaanranta, Jarno and Suominen, Arho},
  publisher = {International Association for Management of Technology},
  pages = {1–12},
  year = {2012},
  keywords = {Mobile phones, Mobile services, Young consumers, Categorical Principal Components},

Belongs to TUCS Research Unit(s): Software Development Laboratory (SwDev)

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