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An Introductory Web-Based Course to Enhance High School Students’ Knowledge of Computer Science

Linda Grandell, Joakim von Wright, An Introductory Web-Based Course to Enhance High School Students’ Knowledge of Computer Science. In: Proceedings of the Third Finnish/Baltic Sea Conference on Computer Science Education, 2003.


It is essential for high school students to know what computer
involves, in order for them to be able to make a correct decision
about potential further studies in the field. At the Department of
Computer Science at Åbo Akademi University, this was one of the reasons
for developing and giving a web-based version of the introductory
course to high school students. Other objectives were recruiting
more students to the department and increasing the amount of girls
among these students. The results from the course were positive and
indicated several advantages of this kind of educational programs.


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BibTeX entry:

  title = {An Introductory Web-Based Course to Enhance High School Students’ Knowledge of Computer Science},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the Third Finnish/Baltic Sea Conference on Computer Science Education},
  author = {Grandell, Linda and Wright, Joakim von},
  year = {2003},

Belongs to TUCS Research Unit(s): Software Construction Laboratorium

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