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Physicians' Opinions of an SMS Professional Medical News Service: Insights from an SMS Survey

Shengnan Han, Pekka Mustonen, Matti Seppänen, Markku Kallio, Physicians' Opinions of an SMS Professional Medical News Service: Insights from an SMS Survey. In: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference of E-Business, International Academic Publishers/World Publishing corporation, 2004.


This paper is designed to investigate physicians’ opinions regarding an SMS professional medical news service in the Finnish health-care sector. A survey using SMS mobile technology was conducted on March 5, 2003. 259 out of 685 responded within 2 days, and 90% came within 6 hours after the survey was sent out. The response rate was 38%. Findings from this simple SMS survey showed that physicians had positive perceptions of the SMS news service. Nearly 60% of the respondents have used the service. Some of the answers included spontaneous feedback about the service, which revealed valuable comments and suggestions regarding the further improvement of the service. The SMS survey as a new data collection method needs academic attention. Future research is briefly discussed.

BibTeX entry:

  title = {Physicians' Opinions of an SMS Professional Medical News Service: Insights from an SMS Survey},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 4th International Conference of E-Business},
  author = {Han, Shengnan and Mustonen, Pekka and Seppänen, Matti and Kallio, Markku},
  publisher = {International Academic Publishers/World Publishing corporation},
  year = {2004},
  keywords = {SMS medical news, physician, SMS survey},

Belongs to TUCS Research Unit(s): Mobile Commerce

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