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The Problems With Security and Privacy in EGovernment - Case: Biometric Passports in Finland

Olli I. Heimo, Antti Hakkala, Kai K. Kimppa, The Problems With Security and Privacy in EGovernment - Case: Biometric Passports in Finland. In: Andy Bisset, Terrell Ward Bynum, Ann Light, Angela Lauener, Simon Rogerson (Eds.), Ethicomp 2011 Conference Proceedings, 210-217, Sheffield Hallam University, England, 2011.


In this paper we go through potential problems with RFID/Biometric passports in their intended use and problems with biometric databases due to the collection of biometric data and the usage of the data for other, (publicly) non-intended uses. These problems can be divided into technical and social problems. The technical problems, as clear as they are, could at least theoretically be solved if proper attention was paid to the details. The social problems, however, are not as easily averted. The collateral consequences to erosion of privacy and trust remain. Case Finland is used as an example, but the same issues are extrapolatable to other countries. Many of the mistakes we will show in this paper can be seen in other eGovernment systems.

BibTeX entry:

  title = {The Problems With Security and Privacy in EGovernment - Case: Biometric Passports in Finland},
  booktitle = {Ethicomp 2011 Conference Proceedings},
  author = {Heimo, Olli I. and Hakkala, Antti and Kimppa, Kai K.},
  editor = {Bisset, Andy and Bynum, Terrell Ward and Light, Ann and Lauener, Angela and Rogerson, Simon},
  publisher = {Sheffield Hallam University, England},
  pages = {210-217},
  year = {2011},
  keywords = {Biometric Identification, Biometrics, Function Creep, eGovernment, Information security, Information Systems, Passports},

Belongs to TUCS Research Unit(s): Communication Systems (ComSys)

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