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Introducing a Customer Representative to High Requirement Uncertainties. A Case Study

Piia Hirkman, Luka Milovanov, Introducing a Customer Representative to High Requirement Uncertainties. A Case Study. In: Proceedings of International Conference on Agile Manufacturing - ICAM 2005, 2005.


In this paper we present a case study where a customer representative
is introduced to an agile software project. The project was a part of
a series of experimental projects in Gaudi Software Factory, a
university environment where we produce software for various research
projects while developing and testing new software methods in realistic
settings. This case study concentrates on the customer role. While the
benefits of an onsite customer are obvious, this model is hard to
implement due to the lack of commitment or the high value of the
customer, for example. We show that by introducing a customer
representative to our environment we obtain the same benefits as with
an onsite customer.

BibTeX entry:

  title = {Introducing a Customer Representative to High Requirement Uncertainties. A Case Study},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of International Conference on Agile Manufacturing - ICAM 2005},
  author = {Hirkman, Piia and Milovanov, Luka},
  year = {2005},
  keywords = {Agile software development, software engineering experiment, customer model},

Belongs to TUCS Research Unit(s): Data Mining and Knowledge Management Laboratory, Software Construction Laboratorium

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