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Power Optimized Many-Cores with User Centric Notion of Parallelism

Simon Holmbacka, Sébastien Lafond, Johan Lilius, Power Optimized Many-Cores with User Centric Notion of Parallelism. In: Tomas Nordström, Zain-ul Abdin (Eds.), Sixth Swedish Workshop on Multicore Computing, 57 – 50, Swedish Multicore Initiative, 2013.


DVFS (voltage and frequency scaling) and DPM (sleep states) are two commonly used methods to minimize the power dissipation on modern microprocessors.
While they work well inside their own domains, no global coordination is usually done to optimize both methods' utilization in many-core systems.
This paper proposes a unified power optimizer for DVFS and DPM in many-core systems.
The optimizer is a model based plug-in system which is driven by
a) power model of both DVFS and DPM b) user centric notion of parallelism to express application performance and scalability.
We show that a unification of DVFS and DPM is possible and how the techniques should be coordinated with different levels of parallelism in the applications.
We evaluate the optimizer in both hot and cold ambient temperature to recognize and show how different power saving techniques should be used
under different external influences.

BibTeX entry:

  title = {Power Optimized Many-Cores with User Centric Notion of Parallelism},
  booktitle = {Sixth Swedish Workshop on Multicore Computing},
  author = {Holmbacka, Simon and Lafond, Sébastien and Lilius, Johan},
  editor = {Nordström, Tomas and Abdin, Zain-ul},
  publisher = {Swedish Multicore Initiative},
  pages = {57 – 50},
  year = {2013},

Belongs to TUCS Research Unit(s): Embedded Systems Laboratory (ESLAB)

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