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Geographical Competitiveness for Powering Datacenters with Renewable Energy

Simon Holmbacka, Enida Sheme, Sébastien Lafond, Neki Frasheri, Geographical Competitiveness for Powering Datacenters with Renewable Energy. In: Jesus Carretero, Javier Garcia-Blas, Svetozar Margenov (Eds.), Third Nesus Action Workshop, 1–8, Network for Sustainable Ultrascale Computing (NESUS), 2016.


In this paper we analyze the feasibility of using renewable energy for powering a data center located on the 60th parallel north.
We analyze the workload energy consumption and the cost-energy trade-off related to available wind and solar energy sources. A wind and solar power model is built based on real weather data for three different geographical locations, and The available monthly and annual renewable energy is analyzed for different scenarios and compared with the energy consumption of a simulated data center. We show the impact different data center sizes have on the coverage percentage of renewables, and we discuss the competitiveness of constructing datacenters in different geographical location based on the results.

BibTeX entry:

  title = {Geographical Competitiveness for Powering Datacenters with Renewable Energy},
  booktitle = {Third Nesus Action Workshop},
  author = {Holmbacka, Simon and Sheme, Enida and Lafond, Sébastien and Frasheri, Neki},
  editor = {Carretero, Jesus and Garcia-Blas, Javier and Margenov, Svetozar},
  publisher = {Network for Sustainable Ultrascale Computing (NESUS)},
  pages = {1–8},
  year = {2016},

Belongs to TUCS Research Unit(s): Embedded Systems Laboratory (ESLAB)

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