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EUFORIA HPC: Massive Parallelization for Fusion Community

Adrian Jackson, Adam Carter, Joachim Hein, Jan Westerholm, Mats Aspnäs, Matti Ropo, Alejandro Soba, EUFORIA HPC: Massive Parallelization for Fusion Community. In: Marco Bourgeois Julien Gross Tom Danelutto (Ed.), Proceedings of the 18th Euromicro Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Network-Based Processing, 489–497, IEEE Computer Society, 2010.


One of the central tasks of EUFORIA is to port, parallelise, and optimise fusion simulation
codes, developed at individual research institutes in Europe. There are three
supercomputer centres involved in the project located at Barcelona, Edinburgh, and
For some of the fusion codes simply porting them to one of the supercomputers
represents a major advancement in the use of the codes, as they until now have mainly
been used by a small user community, or even exclusively by the author of the code.
Also, where codes currently can only use one processor (i.e. are serial) providing any
parallel functionality can be of major benefit to the code and the code owner(s).
Many of the simulation codes for edge and core transport modelling of fusion plasma using
high performance computing are estimated to currently require weeks or months of
execution time to simulate science at a scale required to model the new fusion reactor
ITER, and therefore these codes have to be optimised to run as fast as possible and
parallelised in such a way that computer resources are used as effectively as possible.
During the first fifteen month of the project, we have successfully ported eleven fusion
codes to the supercomputers in Barcelona, Edinburgh and Helsinki. The installation
procedure, library requirements and runtime scripts have been documented for each
code, and deposited in the EUFORIA software repository and code revision system.
Following this a number of these codes have been chosen for code optimisation and
improvements in parallelisation and this paper outlines the experience that we have had
with some of these codes, the performance improvements achieved, and the techniques

BibTeX entry:

  title = {EUFORIA HPC: Massive Parallelization for Fusion Community},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 18th Euromicro Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Network-Based Processing},
  author = {Jackson, Adrian and Carter, Adam and Hein, Joachim and Westerholm, Jan and Aspnäs, Mats and Ropo, Matti and Soba, Alejandro},
  editor = {Danelutto, Marco Bourgeois Julien Gross Tom},
  publisher = {IEEE Computer Society},
  pages = {489–497},
  year = {2010},

Belongs to TUCS Research Unit(s): High Performance Computing and Communication

Publication Forum rating of this publication: level 1

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