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Quantifying the Environmental Footprint of Rigid Substrate Printed Antenna

Rajeev Kumar Kanth, Pasi Liljeberg, Hannu Tenhunen, Harish Kumar, Yasar Amin, Qiang Chen, Lirong Zheng, Quantifying the Environmental Footprint of Rigid Substrate Printed Antenna. In: Michael Arnold (Ed.), IEEE International conference on Technology and Society in Aisa 2012, 1–5, IEEExplore, 2012.


Quantifying environmental footprint is an important task for the embedded system researcher as this study keep them aware of environmental impacts’ threat toward green and healthy living of human beings. In this work we have presented a study on analysis of sustainability and environmental impacts assessment in manufacturing process of rigid substrate printed antennas. Life cycle assessment approach has been employed to quantify and asses the environmental footprint. A case study has been carried out for epoxy resin substrate based tip truncated equilateral triangle microstrip antenna. The subtractive printing methodology have been conducted to trace the required antenna pattern. The output parameters have been analyzed in terms of
global warming potential, ozone layer depletion potential, human toxicity and acidification potential. Gabi’s balance approach has been utilized to analyze the environmental emissions to the air, fresh water, sea water, agricultural and industrial soils. The consumption of resources has also been shortly described in this paper.

BibTeX entry:

  title = {Quantifying the Environmental Footprint of Rigid Substrate Printed Antenna},
  booktitle = {IEEE International conference on Technology and Society in Aisa 2012},
  author = {Kanth, Rajeev Kumar and Liljeberg, Pasi and Tenhunen, Hannu and Kumar, Harish and Amin, Yasar and Chen, Qiang and Zheng, Lirong},
  editor = {Arnold, Michael},
  publisher = {IEEExplore},
  pages = {1–5},
  year = {2012},
  keywords = {Epoxy resin substrate; Global warming poten- tial; Life Cycle Assessment; Sustainability; Printed Antenna},

Belongs to TUCS Research Unit(s): Embedded Computer and Electronic Systems (ECES)

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