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It Is Not Just IT – It Is IT Service That Matters

Petteri Kaitovaara, It Is Not Just IT – It Is IT Service That Matters. In: Proceedings of Marketing, Strategy, Economics, Operations and Human Resources: Insights on Service Activities (La Londe 2004), 8th International Research Seminar in Service Management, 377-400, 2004.


This paper examines the challenges presented by the concept of
information technology (IT) service and its broad definition. Despite
the converging imperatives that exist in this field, the broad concept
of IT service and its meanings have been examined quite limitedly in
previous academic research studies. It is a relevant issue that covers
information systems (IS) and service management disciplines. In current
IT business the focus has shifted from a technological viewpoint to a
more service-focused viewpoint. This paper shows how deeply IS research
and IS practice are related to services. In addition to reviewing the
theoretical background of appropriate subjects of services, the paper
examines the importance of serving customers with IT, as well as
proposing a perspective-based construction of IT services. Altogether,
the paper provides an overview of the potential dimensions of IT service
and gives a detailed description about its value creation process.

BibTeX entry:

  title = {It Is Not Just IT – It Is IT Service That Matters},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of Marketing, Strategy, Economics, Operations and Human Resources: Insights on Service Activities (La Londe 2004)},
  author = {Kaitovaara, Petteri},
  series = {8th International Research Seminar in Service Management},
  pages = {377-400},
  year = {2004},
  keywords = {Information technology, information technology service, information systems, artefacts},

Belongs to TUCS Research Unit(s): Laboris Information Systems

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