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Formal Development of Cooperative Exception Handling for Mobile Agent Systems

Linas Laibinis, Elena Troubitsyna, Alexei Iliasov, Alexander Romanovsky, Formal Development of Cooperative Exception Handling for Mobile Agent Systems. In: Henry Muccini Patrizio Pelliccione Alexander Romanovsky Nicolas Guelfi (Ed.), Proceedings of 1st Int. Workshop on Software Engineering for Resilient Systems - SERENE 2008, ACM Digital Library, ACM, 2008.


Mobile agent systems often require sophisticated cooperation and coordination during error
detection and recovery. In this paper we propose novel fault tolerance mechanisms that support
cooperative exception handling in such systems. The paper demonstrates how mechanisms like
these can be formally developed and analysed. We start with identifying the typical modes of
failures in agents and analysing possible failure and recovery scenarios in mobile systems.
Stepwise refinement is used as our formal framework for top-down development and
verification. Using the framework we formally verify the essential model properties, such as
interoperability, local and global state consistency and termination of error recovery. Our
approach provides developers with formal generic patterns for incorporating fault-tolerance
mechanisms into mobile agent systems. We also demonstrate how the results of our formal
development can be instantiated and reused in developing real-world agent software.

BibTeX entry:

  title = {Formal Development of Cooperative Exception Handling for Mobile Agent Systems},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of 1st Int. Workshop on Software Engineering for Resilient Systems - SERENE 2008},
  author = {Laibinis, Linas and Troubitsyna, Elena and Iliasov, Alexei and Romanovsky, Alexander},
  series = {ACM Digital Library},
  editor = {Nicolas Guelfi, Henry Muccini Patrizio Pelliccione Alexander Romanovsky},
  publisher = {ACM},
  year = {2008},

Belongs to TUCS Research Unit(s): Distributed Systems Laboratory (DS Lab)

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