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Service-Oriented Development of Fault Tolerant Communicating Systems: Refinement Approach

Linas Laibinis, Elena Troubitsyna, Sari Leppänen, Service-Oriented Development of Fault Tolerant Communicating Systems: Refinement Approach. In: International Journal on Embedded and Real-Time Communication Systems (IJERTCS), IGI Global, 2010.


Telecommunication systems should have a high degree of availability, i.e., high probability of
correct and timely provision of re- quested services. To achieve this, correctness of software
for such sys- tems and system fault tolerance should be ensured. Application of formal
methods helps us to gain confidence in building correct software. How- ever, to be used in
practice, formal methods should be well integrated into existing development process. In this
paper we propose a formal model- driven approach to development of communicating
systems. Essentially our approach formalizes and extends Lyra – a top-down service-
oriented method for development of communicating systems. Lyra is based on transformation
and decomposition of models expressed in UML2. We for- malize Lyra in the B Method by
proposing a set of formal specification and refinement patterns reflecting the essential models
and transforma- tions of the Lyra service specification, decomposition and distribution
phases. Moreover, we extend Lyra to integrate reasoning about fault tol- erance in the entire
development flow.

BibTeX entry:

  title = {Service-Oriented Development of Fault Tolerant Communicating Systems: Refinement Approach},
  booktitle = {International Journal on Embedded and Real-Time Communication Systems (IJERTCS)},
  author = {Laibinis, Linas and Troubitsyna, Elena and Leppänen, Sari},
  publisher = {IGI Global},
  year = {2010},

Belongs to TUCS Research Unit(s): Distributed Systems Laboratory (DS Lab)

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