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OWAD Operators in Type-2 Fuzzy Ontologies

József Mezei, Robin Wikström, OWAD Operators in Type-2 Fuzzy Ontologies. In: Witold Pedrycz, Marek Reformat (Eds.), Joint IFSA World Congress and NAFIPS Annual Meeting (IFSA/NAFIPS), 848–853 , IEEE, 2013.


Fuzzy ontologies provide an efficient tool to represent and utilize imprecise and vague data in decision making problems. In the presence of imprecise data in ontologies, aggregation operators play an important role in the decision making process. In this paper we present new definitions of ordered weighted averaging distance (OWAD) operators for interval-valued fuzzy numbers (IVFN) and show that the new definitions satisfy some important properties. The operators are employed to aggregate information in fuzzy ontologies in order to aid decision makers to find the most similar object in the ontology to a given case.

BibTeX entry:

  title = {OWAD Operators in Type-2 Fuzzy Ontologies},
  booktitle = {Joint IFSA World Congress and NAFIPS Annual Meeting (IFSA/NAFIPS)},
  author = {Mezei, József and Wikström, Robin},
  editor = {Pedrycz, Witold and Reformat, Marek},
  publisher = {IEEE},
  pages = {848–853 },
  year = {2013},

Belongs to TUCS Research Unit(s): Institute for Advanced Management Systems Research (IAMSR)

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