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Design of the Language Replica for Hybrid PRAM-NUMA Many-Core Architectures

Jari-Matti Mäkelä, Erik Hansson, Daniel Åkeson, Martti Forsell, Christoph Kessler, Ville Leppänen, Design of the Language Replica for Hybrid PRAM-NUMA Many-Core Architectures. In: Bob Werner (Ed.), 10th IEEE International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing with Applications, ISPA 2012, 697–704, IEEE, 2012.


Parallel programming is widely considered very demanding for an average programmer due to inherent asyn- chrony of underlying parallel architectures. In this paper we describe the main design principles and core features of Replica — a parallel language aimed for high-level programming of a new paradigm of reconfigurable, scalable and powerful synchronous shared memory architectures that promise to make parallel programming radically easier with the help of strict memory consistency and deterministic synchronous execution of hardware threads and multi-operations.

BibTeX entry:

  title = {Design of the Language Replica for Hybrid PRAM-NUMA Many-Core Architectures},
  booktitle = {10th IEEE International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing with Applications, ISPA 2012},
  author = {Mäkelä, Jari-Matti and Hansson, Erik and Åkeson, Daniel and Forsell, Martti and Kessler, Christoph and Leppänen, Ville},
  editor = {Werner, Bob},
  publisher = {IEEE},
  pages = {697–704},
  year = {2012},
  keywords = {parallel computing, programming languages, multi-core},

Belongs to TUCS Research Unit(s): Software Development Laboratory (SwDev)

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