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Synchronization Property Checking and Inference in a Lock-Step Synchronous Parallel Replica Language

Jari-Matti Mäkelä, Ville Leppänen, Martti Forsell, Synchronization Property Checking and Inference in a Lock-Step Synchronous Parallel Replica Language. In: Tarmo Uustalu, Jüri Vain (Eds.), Proceedings of the 25th Nordic Workshop on Programming Theory, 1–3, Institute of Cybernetics at Tallinn University of Technology, 2013.


As more and more computer platforms adopt the model of multiple processing cores
to get further speedup from parallelism, programming languages also need to adapt.
Comtemporary hardware solutions include heterogeneous systems with units optimized
for different tasks, distributed memory clusters, and shared memory systems with
different consistency models (e.g. on one end constrained platforms such as the
GPGPU and on the other end more general purpose systems such as NUMA x86). As chip
multi-processors provide new potential for organizing data sharing, we only
consider languages targeting these systems.

We argue that in the case of general purpose algorithms, both the hardware and
software solutions approach the issue with suboptimal abstractions, effectively
preventing maximal utilization of the computational power. Parallelism is
typically orchestrated with explicit locks, which leads to difficult problems with
performance scaling and correctness. Some platforms provide
sequential consistency for safer programming with locks, but even more relaxed
models are in use in performance oriented languages such as

We assume a totally different model for computation with strong synchronization
quarantees. The SB-PRAM, TOTAL ECLIPSE, and REPLICA platforms
conceptually follow the PRAM (parallel random access memory) model of
computing. That is, each thread's computation proceeds in a globally synchronous
lock-step at instruction level. Previously the model was considered too
inefficient to be practical compared to more relaxed execution models. However,
modern techniques of parallel multi-operations, latency hiding and
wave synchronization alleviate the issues with the approach.

In this model, instructions have a unit time amortized cost in terms of cycles in
relation to other threads, which makes it is possible to reason about the time
cost of a sequence of instructions assuming no branching happens. This opens up a
possibility for a different programming style where threads can be grouped so that
the group property holds through a sequence of code and abstractions can make
assumptions of the synchronicity of a group of threads. However, the hardware
provided synchronicity on instruction level does not implicitly extend to higher
level abstractions because the control flow structures may diverge the flow until
explicitly synchronized with a barrier.

The Fork language adopts a similar approach for
maintaining synchronicity on block and function level, but does it explicitly with
user annotated regions (async, sync, straight) that are statically
checked. The major disadvantages of Fork's approach are 1) the need for tedious
bookkeeping when switching between asynchronous and synchronous modes both at call
site and in function signatures and 2) the limitation of reusing code in different
synchronicity context. However, Fork does prevent erroneous use of synchronicity
from compiling and provides a way to structure code into parallel and sequential

Our approach originally attempts to automate the
chore of tagging code with synchronization metadata like in Fork. In the previous
work, each syntactic language entity (expression, statement, function, higher
order abstraction) is associated with synchronicity pre- and
post-conditions and intertwining constraints. The mechanism not only covers the
case of async/sync/straight blocks of code like in Fork, but supports
arbitrary conditions assuming the checking algorithm is provided with constraints
involved additional conditions. As an example, we consider the synchronization
token attribute that can be used to accelerate multi-operations on architectures
such as REPLICA. New constraints could be provided as part of the compiled
program, but in the case of Replica language, for simplicity we only use a static
constraint set defined in the compiler.

A short summary of the checking algorithms is given next. For each syntactic
language entity, the properties are represented by a pair of in- and outgoing sets
of attributes and the related constraint is a logical boolean
predicate representing a set invariant that covers both. On
the implementation side, the compiler has an additional control flow analysis pass
that carries the synchronicity condition state throughout the program in one pass
and for each entity checks that the conditions are satisfied. A constraint rule is
required for each language entity. The previous work also discussed so called
"implicit conversion" rules between the states when transitioning between
different sections with respect to synchronicity.

The problem of generating compatible conditions that satisfies the constraints for
all parts of the program -- that is, an inference algorithm -- was not fully
addressed in the previous work although it was mentioned that the constraint rules
give rise to a similar inference technique as with e.g. standard typed lambda
calculus. In the case of rules with no state dependencies, its state can be easily
inferred, but there is no single solution in the case when states form complex
dependencies between several syntactic nodes. While the condition checking against
the constraints can be performed without backtracking or lookup in a linear
fashion with respect to the syntax tree travelsal, the inference algorithm
requires arbitrary lookup for determining the need and position for code

The main contribution of this work is to provide a way to automatically tag the
test the correctness of the tagging is given for a minimal core of the Replica
language. We propose a solution that handles basic functions and blocks with
multiple exit points. We also revisit the idea of duality between rules for
constraint checking and inference as discussed in the previous preliminary paper
and elaborate how the mechanism extends to user defined abstractions.

In addition to the treatise of the inference and checking algorithm, we show the
performance implications of the machine checked and generated code versus
explicitly stated synchronization directives in computational kernels. The
performance effect of the synchronization token is also measured with a task
parallel runtime stub library that spawns a single task for evaluation purposes.
Further applications for the synchronicity conditions in faster branching control
flow contructs (so called "fast operations" in the E language are also considered. The goal of the benchmarks is to
show the performance advantage of the approach with inferred synchronization
properties versus a simpler, more generic algorithm that does not assume a
strictly synchronous mode as a default nor does have hardware acceleration support
for fast operations or special task tokens.

BibTeX entry:

  title = {Synchronization Property Checking and Inference in a Lock-Step Synchronous Parallel Replica Language},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 25th Nordic Workshop on Programming Theory},
  author = {Mäkelä, Jari-Matti and Leppänen, Ville and Forsell, Martti},
  editor = {Uustalu, Tarmo and Vain, Jüri},
  publisher = {Institute of Cybernetics at Tallinn University of Technology},
  pages = {1–3},
  year = {2013},

Belongs to TUCS Research Unit(s): Software Development Laboratory (SwDev)

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