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Minimising the Number of Tool Switches with Tools of Different Sizes

Csaba Raduly-Baka, Timo Knuutila, Olli S. Nevalainen, Minimising the Number of Tool Switches with Tools of Different Sizes. In: Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Technology and Automation 2005 (ICTA'05), 191-197, 2005.


In this paper we address the combined problem of job-ordering and tool placement, where each tool can occupy more than one slot of the primary storage magazine. The capacity of the magazine is limited so that all the tools neccessary in the production cannot fit into the magazine at the same time, and the cost of magazine reorganization depends linearly on the number of tool moves. Our task is to find the order of processing the jobs and the positions to put the tools in the magazine, so that the total cost of switching tools from one job to the next is minimized. We introduce a new heuristic for the problem. The algorithm hybridizes an efficient tool switching algorithm based on the matrix permutation problem and a novel two level storage management algorithm. We compare the proposed solution method to previous approaches from the literature. Our comparisons indicate that the new algorithm procudes results with costs almost a third of the costs produced by algorithms previosly known in this field.

BibTeX entry:

  title = {Minimising the Number of Tool Switches with Tools of Different Sizes},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Technology and Automation 2005 (ICTA'05)},
  author = {Raduly-Baka, Csaba and Knuutila, Timo and Nevalainen, Olli S.},
  pages = {191-197},
  year = {2005},

Belongs to TUCS Research Unit(s): Algorithmics and Computational Intelligence Group (ACI)

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