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On the Frequency of Letters in Morphic Sequences

Kalle Saari, On the Frequency of Letters in Morphic Sequences. In: John Harrison Edward A. Hirsch Dima Grigoriev (Ed.), Computer Science – Theory and Applications, First International Computer Science Symposium in Russia, CSR 2006, St. Petersburg, Russia, June 8-12. 2006. Proceedings , Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3967, 334–345, Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, 2006.


A necessary and sufficient criterion for the existence and value
of the frequency of a letter in a morphic sequence is given. This
is done using a certain incidence matrix associated with the
morphic sequence. The characterization gives rise to a simple
if-and-only-if condition that all letter frequencies exist.

BibTeX entry:

  title = {On the Frequency of Letters in Morphic Sequences},
  booktitle = {Computer Science – Theory and Applications, First International Computer Science Symposium in Russia, CSR 2006, St. Petersburg, Russia, June 8-12. 2006. Proceedings },
  author = {Saari, Kalle},
  volume = {3967},
  series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
  editor = {Dima Grigoriev, John Harrison Edward A. Hirsch},
  publisher = {Springer Berlin / Heidelberg},
  pages = {334–345},
  year = {2006},

Belongs to TUCS Research Unit(s): FUNDIM, Fundamentals of Computing and Discrete Mathematics

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