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Building Working Platforms for the Virtual Team Knowledge Work: Experiences from a Project

Reima Suomi, Reetta Raitoharju, Building Working Platforms for the Virtual Team Knowledge Work: Experiences from a Project. In: Harri Virolainen, Seppo Sirkemaa, Tero Vartiainen (Eds.), Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Telework, Pori 26-28.8.2009, 71-76, TUCS, 2009.


Productivity in virtual teams is an important question to the knowledge society. This article reports on the use experience of an Internet-based communication platform called cAme. The tool was used by a research group having participants from four universities and five other organizations scattered across Finland. We start our article with discussion on the demands of virtual teams to such joint working platforms. Then we shortly present the Internet Standards Adoption (ISA) model as a possible model to understand also the dispersion and user acceptance of joint communication platforms in virtual team environment. Finally, we conducted a survey among the users of the platform. Our conclusion is that unless very user friendly, users search for solutions to their daily activities from their standard ways of working, such as exchange of attachments in e-mail.


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BibTeX entry:

  title = {Building Working Platforms for the Virtual Team Knowledge Work: Experiences from a Project},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Telework, Pori 26-28.8.2009},
  author = {Suomi, Reima and Raitoharju, Reetta},
  editor = {Virolainen, Harri and Sirkemaa, Seppo and Vartiainen, Tero},
  publisher = {TUCS},
  pages = {71-76},
  year = {2009},
  keywords = {virtual work, knowledge sharing, telework, social loafing, co-operation platforms},

Belongs to TUCS Research Unit(s): Network Economics Institute

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