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Chronic Patients as Developers of Innovative Healthcare Information Systems

Jose Teixeira, Reima Suomi, Chronic Patients as Developers of Innovative Healthcare Information Systems. In: Miguel de Castro Neto (Ed.), Proceedings of ECIME 2010 The 4th European Conference on Information Management and Evaluation, 381-387, 2010.


Healthcare information systems are traditionally developed in institutional organizations such as medical providers’ research labs, software houses and hospitals. IT and medical professionals are the perpetual analysts and developers of most health-care information systems on the market. Within this paper a new empirical trend is analyzed, where patients turn themselves in the creators of new health-care information systems. A literature review is performed on how chronic patients are taking the lead on the development of new healthcare information systems and a few occurrence cases are studied from the research viewpoint. Findings suggest that the phenomenon is not well covered by previous literature and that it have implications for providers of commercial healthcare information systems.

BibTeX entry:

  title = {Chronic Patients as Developers of Innovative Healthcare Information Systems},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of ECIME 2010 The 4th European Conference on Information Management and Evaluation},
  author = {Teixeira, Jose and Suomi, Reima},
  editor = {de Castro Neto, Miguel},
  pages = {381-387},
  year = {2010},
  keywords = {Healthcare, E-Health, Chronic Care, Patient Empowerment, Open-source, User innovation},

Belongs to TUCS Research Unit(s): Health and Medical Informatics Institute, Network Economics Institute

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