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Benefits of an Open-Source Platform from an Economical Perspective: Maemo’s Case Study

Jose Teixeira, Benefits of an Open-Source Platform from an Economical Perspective: Maemo’s Case Study. In: Sergey Balandin, Andrey Ovchinnikov (Eds.), Proceedings of 6th Seminar of Finnish-Russian University Cooperation in Telecommunications (FRUCT) program, 198-202, FRUCT, 2009.


Open-source software development is a well know phenomena around the globe, its echoes already grabbed the attention of many economics and business scholars. The open-source benefits embedded in the development of software products is already well known and studied
from different point of views.

In the case of software platforms, where vendors rely on third parties to develop complementary products and services, the open-source benefits are not deeply studies yet. Addressing the problem, the author developed together with Turku School of Economics and Nokia his Master thesis entitled "Open-source weaponry for a platform war: Inherent competitive advantage of an open-platform CASE: Maemo".

The author would like to share with the FRUCT audience his Master thesis findings on how an open-platform brings competitive advantage in a high-tech and high-competitive market under network effects. Following a case study methodology, the research assessed what are Maemo's platform open-source benefits in terms of software development, how open-source facilitates the implementation of the open-innovation paradigm and how open-source gives part in attracting more developers to a platform competing under network effects.

BibTeX entry:

  title = {Benefits of an Open-Source Platform from an Economical Perspective: Maemo’s Case Study},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of 6th Seminar of Finnish-Russian University Cooperation in Telecommunications (FRUCT) program},
  author = {Teixeira, Jose},
  editor = {Balandin, Sergey and Ovchinnikov, Andrey},
  publisher = {FRUCT},
  pages = {198-202},
  year = {2009},
  keywords = {Open-source, Maemo, Economics},

Belongs to TUCS Research Unit(s): Network Economics Institute

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