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Parallel Performance Evaluation of a Multicore Java Co-Processor System

Joonas Tyystjärvi, Tero Säntti, Juha Plosila, Parallel Performance Evaluation of a Multicore Java Co-Processor System. In: DATE 2010 Workshop "Designing for Embedded Parallel Computing Platforms: Architectures, Design Tools, and Applications", 2010.


The REALJava virtual machine is a hardware-accelerated Java virtual machine consisting of a software partition running on a general purpose processor and a hardware partition consisting of one or more Java co-processor cores with small amounts of quickly accessible local memory. The co-processors execute the most common instructions in the bytecode instruction set, while the software partition controls execution, resource allocation and heap memory accesses.
The parallel performance of the system is measured using up to six co-processor cores on two different FPGA platforms using a number of microbenchmarks, including a simple prime number counter, a ray tracer and matrix-vector multiplication. In the prime number counter, performance is found to scale nearly linearly with the number of cores with no unusual coding. In the ray tracer, parallel performance is limited by the high frequency of heap accesses. In matrix-vector multiplication, parallel performance can be improved by manually converting heap accesses into burst transfers to co-processor memory. Analyzing the data shows that either a new architecture for performing heap accesses or better tools for automated heap access conversion are required to ensure good performance scaling for all applications.

BibTeX entry:

  title = {Parallel Performance Evaluation of a Multicore Java Co-Processor System},
  booktitle = {DATE 2010 Workshop "Designing for Embedded Parallel Computing Platforms: Architectures, Design Tools, and Applications"},
  author = {Tyystjärvi, Joonas and Säntti, Tero and Plosila, Juha},
  year = {2010},

Belongs to TUCS Research Unit(s): Other

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