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Multi-Layered Safety Architecture of Autonomous Systems: Formalising Coordination Perspective

Inna Vistbakka, Elena Troubitsyna, Amin Majd, Multi-Layered Safety Architecture of Autonomous Systems: Formalising Coordination Perspective. In: Dongjin Yu, Vu Nguyen, Congfeng Jiang (Eds.), 19th IEEE International Symposium on High Assurance Systems Engineering, HASE 2019, 58–65, IEEE, 2019.



A pressure to deploy autonomous systems in real-life is increasing. Since exhaustive verification of safety of autonomous systems is unfeasible, the emphasis should be put on safety optimisation and run-time safety-monitoring techniques. In this paper, we propose a multi-layered architecture of autonomous systems. We define the notions of strategic, tactic and active safety - the complementary mechanisms for achieving safety. We take a swarm of drones as an example and formally define a multi-layered safety architecture and associated coordination mechanisms and underlying communication model to implement the defined complementary safety mechanisms. The derived coordination logic and communication model is formalised in Event-B framework.

BibTeX entry:

  title = {Multi-Layered Safety Architecture of Autonomous Systems: Formalising Coordination Perspective},
  booktitle = {19th IEEE International Symposium on High Assurance Systems Engineering, HASE 2019},
  author = {Vistbakka, Inna and Troubitsyna, Elena and Majd, Amin},
  editor = {Yu, Dongjin and Nguyen, Vu and Jiang, Congfeng},
  publisher = {IEEE},
  pages = {58–65},
  year = {2019},

Belongs to TUCS Research Unit(s): Embedded Systems Laboratory (ESLAB)

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