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DTRON: A Tool for Distributed Model-Based Testing of Time Critical Applications

Aivo Anier, Jüri Vain, Leonidas Tsiopoulos, DTRON: A Tool for Distributed Model-Based Testing of Time Critical Applications. Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences 66(1), 1–16, 2017.


Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) present the biggest challenges and biggest opportunities in several critical industrial segments such as electronics, automotive and industrial automation. Governing the complexity and design correctness issues of CPS software requires methodologies and tools that address the problems of intrinsic concurrency and timing constraints over a large spectrum of CPS architectures. In this paper we present DTRON, a framework for model-based testing that addresses the issues of distributed execution and real-time constraints imposed by the design of networked CPS. DTRON extends the Uppaal model checking tool and online test execution tool TRON enabling coordination, synchronisation and online distributed testing. The notion of Delta-testability required to guarantee the controllability of distributed tests, is one of the main design considerations for DTRON. The core part of the paper presents the architectural solutions for implementing DTRON and then special focus is put on the performance evaluation of the tool taking into account the communication and test adapter delays in networked systems. We demonstrate that the co-use of Spread message serialisation service and Network Time Protocol allows reducing Delta down to 1ms range that is sufficient for testing timing properties of a substantial class of networked CPS. We exemplify the applicability of DTRON with three distributed testing case studies, namely, city street light controller network, interbank trading system and robot navigation system.

BibTeX entry:

  title = {DTRON: A Tool for Distributed Model-Based Testing of Time Critical Applications},
  author = {Anier, Aivo and Vain, Jüri and Tsiopoulos, Leonidas},
  journal = {Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences},
  volume = {66},
  number = {1},
  pages = {1–16},
  year = {2017},
  keywords = {Formal Methods, Model-Based Testing, Distributed Systems, Real-Time Systems, Cyber-Physical Systems, Uppaal Timed Automata},
  ISSN = {1736-7530},

Belongs to TUCS Research Unit(s): Other, Distributed Systems Laboratory (DS Lab)

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