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An Extension of Context-Free Grammars with One-Sided Context Specifications
Mikhail Barash, Alexander Okhotin, An Extension of Context-Free Grammars with One-Sided Context Specifications. Information and Computation 237, 268–293, 2014.
The paper introduces an extension of context-free grammars equipped with an operator for referring to the left context of the substring being defined. For example, a rule A \to a \And \lhd B defines a symbol a, as long as it is preceded by a string defined by B. The conjunction operator in this example is taken from conjunctive grammars (Okhotin, 2001), which are an extension of ordinary context-free grammars that maintains most of their practical properties, including many parsing algorithms. This paper gives two equivalent definitions of grammars with left contexts-by logical deduction and by language equations-and establishes their basic properties, including a transformation to a normal form and a cubic-time parsing algorithm, with a square-time version for unambiguous grammars.
BibTeX entry:
title = {An Extension of Context-Free Grammars with One-Sided Context Specifications},
author = {Barash, Mikhail and Okhotin, Alexander},
journal = {Information and Computation},
volume = {237},
publisher = {Elsevier},
pages = {268–293},
year = {2014},
Belongs to TUCS Research Unit(s): FUNDIM, Fundamentals of Computing and Discrete Mathematics
Publication Forum rating of this publication: level 3