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Special Issue on Computational Models for Cell Processes

Ralph-Johan Back, Ion Petre, Corrado Priami (Eds.), Special Issue on Computational Models for Cell Processes. Transactions on Computational Systems Biology XI, 2009.


Biology is witnessing nowadays a transformation towards a more quantitative science, based on major technological breakthroughs in the past decade. In this transformation, biology is incorporating mathematical modeling techniques and computational approaches towards numerical simulations, model analysis, and quantitative predictions. A main goal is to formalize and analyze the ever-changing inter-connections between components (often on different time and space scales), their influence on one another, regulatory patterns, alternative pathways, etc. Formal reasoning rather than empirical observations is the main driving force in this new type of biological research. At the same time, computer science and applied mathematics are faced with considerable methodological challenges in handling an unprecedented level of concurrency, stochastic effects, a mix of large and small populations, combinatorial explosions in the state space, model refinement and model (de)composition, etc.

This special issue of Transactions on Computational Systems Biology on Computational models for cell processes is based on a workshop with the same name that took place in Turku, Finland, on May 27, 2008.

The workshop was organized as a satellite event of the 15th International Symposium on Formal Methods that took place in Turku in the period May 28-31, 2008. This special issue however had an open call for paper submissions, with a separate peer-review process. The accepted papers span an interesting mix of approaches to systems biology, ranging from quantitative to qualitative techniques, from continuous to discrete mathematics, from deterministic to stochastic methods, from computational models for biology to computing paradigms inspired by biology. Overall, they give a good glimpse into some of the exciting current research avenues in computational systems biology.


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BibTeX entry:

  title = {Special Issue on Computational Models for Cell Processes},
  journal = {Transactions on Computational Systems Biology},
  volume = {XI},
  editor = {Back, Ralph-Johan and Petre, Ion and Priami, Corrado},
  year = {2009},

Belongs to TUCS Research Unit(s): Computational Biomodeling Laboratory (Combio Lab)

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