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Fair Consistency Evaluation in Reciprocal Relations and Group Decision Making

Michele Fedrizzi, Matteo Brunelli, Fair Consistency Evaluation in Reciprocal Relations and Group Decision Making. New Mathematics and Natural Computation 5(2), 407–420, 2009.


In decision-making processes, it often occurs that the decision maker is asked to pairwise compare alternatives. His/her judgements over a set of pairs of alternatives can be collected into a matrix and some relevant properties, for instance, consistency, can be estimated. Consistency is a desirable property which implies that all the pairwise comparisons respect a principle of transitivity. So far, many indices have been proposed to estimate consistency. Nevertheless, in this paper we argue that most of these indices do not fairly evaluate this property. Then, we introduce a new consistency evaluation method and we propose to use it in group decision making problems in order to fairly weigh the decision maker’s preferences according to their consistency. In our analysis, we consider two families of pairwise comparison matrices: additively reciprocal pairwise comparison matrices and multiplicatively reciprocal pairwise comparison matrices

BibTeX entry:

  title = {Fair Consistency Evaluation in Reciprocal Relations and Group Decision Making},
  author = {Fedrizzi, Michele and Brunelli, Matteo},
  journal = {New Mathematics and Natural Computation},
  volume = {5},
  number = {2},
  pages = {407–420},
  year = {2009},

Belongs to TUCS Research Unit(s): Institute for Advanced Management Systems Research (IAMSR)

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