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Refinement-Based Modelling of the ErbB Signalling Pathway

Bogdan Iancu, Cristian Gratie, Ion Petre, Refinement-Based Modelling of the ErbB Signalling Pathway. Annals of University of Bucharest LXI, 7–14, 2014.


Building large biological models is a difficult task, often attained by
iteratively adding details to an initial abstraction of the modeled process. Refitting
the model at every step of the development is computationally intensive.
Fit-preserving data refinement offers an efficient alternative by providing adequate
parameter values that preserve the fit from the previous step. We focus here
on the implementation of fit-preserving data refinement of a model of the ErbB
signalling pathway, which is extended to include details regarding the types of
ligands and receptors involved. We obtained an extensive model ensuring a good
fit by construction, with significantly less effort than any parameter estimation
routine would require.

BibTeX entry:

  title = {Refinement-Based Modelling of the ErbB Signalling Pathway},
  author = {Iancu, Bogdan and Gratie, Cristian and Petre, Ion},
  journal = {Annals of University of Bucharest},
  volume = {LXI},
  publisher = {The Bucharest University Press},
  pages = {7–14},
  year = {2014},

Belongs to TUCS Research Unit(s): Computational Biomodeling Laboratory (Combio Lab)

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