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Book Review of "S. Demri and E. Orłowska: Incomplete Information: Structure, Inference, Complexity (Springer, 2002)"

Jouni Järvinen, Book Review of "S. Demri and E. Orłowska: Incomplete Information: Structure, Inference, Complexity (Springer, 2002)". Studia Logica 84(3), 469–475, 2006.


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BibTeX entry:

  title = {Book Review of "S. Demri and E. Orłowska: Incomplete Information: Structure, Inference, Complexity (Springer, 2002)"},
  author = {Järvinen, Jouni},
  journal = {Studia Logica},
  volume = {84},
  number = {3},
  pages = {469–475},
  year = {2006},

Belongs to TUCS Research Unit(s): Algorithmics and Computational Intelligence Group (ACI), FUNDIM, Fundamentals of Computing and Discrete Mathematics

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