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Where the Global Needs the Local: Variation in Enablers in the Knowledge Management Process

Adekunle Okunoye, Helena Karsten, Where the Global Needs the Local: Variation in Enablers in the Knowledge Management Process. Journal of Global Information Technology Management 5(3), 12–31, 2002.


Knowledge management (KM) is a focus for knowledge-intensive businesses and organisations, irrespective of the size and geographical location. While it is important to make the local knowledge become global, the efforts to manage the knowledge processes and the specific impact of the enablers require thorough understanding of the local factors to ensure its success and sustainability. Most of the previous models and frameworks of KM do not consider the differences in regions and countries and the specific local organisational factors that could affect KM. We conducted an empirical study of six research organisations in sub-Saharan Africa to understand the particular local context in which the KM occurs. We identified variations in factors such as the local cultures and beliefs, the persistent underfunding, and the operating environment influences in these organisations. Based on these, we argue for the importance of a context specific model of KM


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BibTeX entry:

  title = {Where the Global Needs the Local: Variation in Enablers in the Knowledge Management Process},
  author = {Okunoye, Adekunle and Karsten, Helena},
  journal = {Journal of Global Information Technology Management},
  volume = {5},
  number = {3},
  pages = {12–31},
  year = {2002},
  keywords = {knowledge Management, developing countries, Knowledge management processes, research organisations, sub-Saharan Africa},

Belongs to TUCS Research Unit(s): Data Mining and Knowledge Management Laboratory

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