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Further Remarks on P Systems with Active Membranes, Separation, Merging, and Release Rules

Linqiang Pan, Artiom Alhazov, Tseren-Onolt Ishdorj, Further Remarks on P Systems with Active Membranes, Separation, Merging, and Release Rules. Soft Computing - A Fusion of Foundations, Methodologies and Applications 9(9), 686-690, 2005.


The P systems are a class of distributed parallel computing devices of
a biochemical type. In this note, we show that by using membrane
separation to obtain exponential workspace, SAT problem can be solved
in linear time in a uniform and confluent way by active P systems
without polarizations. This improves some results already obtained by
A. Alhazov, T.-O. Ishdorj. A universality result related to membrane
separation is also obtained.


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BibTeX entry:

  title = {Further Remarks on P Systems with Active Membranes, Separation, Merging, and Release Rules},
  author = {Pan, Linqiang and Alhazov, Artiom and Ishdorj, Tseren-Onolt},
  journal = { Soft Computing - A Fusion of Foundations, Methodologies and Applications},
  volume = {9},
  number = {9},
  publisher = {Springer Berlin / Heidelberg},
  pages = {686-690},
  year = {2005},

Belongs to TUCS Research Unit(s): Computational Biomodeling Laboratory (Combio Lab)

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