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Decidable Formulas of Intuitionistic Primitive Recursive Arithmetic

Saeed Salehi, Decidable Formulas of Intuitionistic Primitive Recursive Arithmetic. Reports on Mathematical Logic 36, 55–61, 2002.


By formalizing some classical facts about provably total functions of intuitionistic primitive recursive arithmetic ($iPRA$), we prove that the set of decidable formulas of $iPRA$ and of $i\Sigma_1^+$ (intuitionistic $\Sigma_1$-induction in the language of $PRA$) coincides with the set of its provably $\Delta_1$-formulas and coincides with the set of its provably atomic formulas. By the same methods, we shall give another proof of a theorem of Markovi\'{c} and \mbox{ De Jongh}: the decidable formulas of $HA$ are its provably $\Delta_1$-formulas.

BibTeX entry:

  title = {Decidable Formulas of Intuitionistic Primitive Recursive Arithmetic},
  author = {Salehi, Saeed},
  journal = {Reports on Mathematical Logic},
  volume = {36},
  pages = {55–61},
  year = {2002},

Belongs to TUCS Research Unit(s): FUNDIM, Fundamentals of Computing and Discrete Mathematics

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