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Optimization of Multi-Photon Event Discrimination Levels Using Poisson Statistics

Jori M. Soukka, Arho Virkki, Pekka E. Hänninen, Juhani T. Soini, Optimization of Multi-Photon Event Discrimination Levels Using Poisson Statistics. Optics Express 12(1), 84–89, 2004.


<p><b>Abstract:</b> In applications where random multi-photon events must be distinguishable from the background, detection of the signals must be based on either analog current measurement or photon counting and multi-level discrimination of single and multi-photon events. In this paper a novel method for optimizing photomultiplier (PMT) pulse discrimination levels in single- and multi-photon counting is demonstrated. This calibration method is based on detection of photon events in coincidence to short laser pulses. The procedure takes advantage of Poisson statistics of single- and multiphoton signals and it is applicable to automatic calibration of photon counting devices on production line. Results obtained with a channel photomultiplier (CPM) are shown. By use of three parallel discriminators and setting the discriminator levels according to the described method resulted in a linear response over wide range of random single- and multiphoton signals.</p>

BibTeX entry:

  title = {Optimization of Multi-Photon Event Discrimination Levels Using Poisson Statistics},
  author = {Soukka, Jori M. and Virkki, Arho and Hänninen, Pekka E. and Soini, Juhani T.},
  journal = {Optics Express},
  volume = {12},
  number = {1},
  pages = {84–89},
  year = {2004},
  keywords = {photon counting, photon statistics, photomultipliers},

Belongs to TUCS Research Unit(s): Biomathematics Research Unit (BIOMATH)

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