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Time Aware System Refinement

Tomi Westerlund, Juha Plosila, Time Aware System Refinement. Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 187, 91–106, 2007.


We propose a formal, time aware refinement of systems. The proposed timewise refinement method is a direct extension of the traditional refinement calculus of Action Systems. The adaptation provides a well-founded mathematical basis for the stepwise refinement of systems modelled with the time spiced Action Systems formalism. In the refinement of an abstract system into a more concrete one a designer must show that conditions of both functional and temporal properties are satisfied.

BibTeX entry:

  title = {Time Aware System Refinement},
  author = {Westerlund, Tomi and Plosila, Juha},
  journal = {Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science},
  volume = {187},
  pages = {91–106},
  year = {2007},

Belongs to TUCS Research Unit(s): Distributed Systems Laboratory (DS Lab)

Publication Forum rating of this publication: level 1

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