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Control Systems Development – A Case Study

Luigia Petre, Control Systems Development – A Case Study. In: Critical Systems Development with UML - Proceedings of the UML'02 Workshop, 171-180, Technische Universitat Munchen, 2002.


Systems whose functioning may affect human life, commercial or financial assets, or environmental values are commonly referred to as critical systems. This type of systems is usually implemented through control systems. We outline the development of a sorting hub - a control system used to sort parcels for a fast courier service to transport. Our strategy comprises a parallel development of UML diagrams on one hand and of formal, action systems-based specifications on the other hand. The concept of refinement is fundamental to the strategy, being used as the main formal development tool. UML diagrams mirror the formal development, so an informal refinement is obtained for sets of UML diagrams.

BibTeX entry:

  title = {Control Systems Development – A Case Study},
  booktitle = {Critical Systems Development with UML - Proceedings of the UML'02 Workshop},
  author = {Petre, Luigia},
  publisher = {Technische Universitat Munchen},
  pages = {171-180},
  year = {2002},

Belongs to TUCS Research Unit(s): Distributed Systems Laboratory (DS Lab), Software Construction Laboratorium

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