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A Relation Between Context-Free Grammars and Meta Object Facility Metamodels

Marcus Alanen, Ivan Porres, A Relation Between Context-Free Grammars and Meta Object Facility Metamodels. TUCS Technical Reports 606, Turku Centre for Computer Science, 2004.


Metamodels present the language of models, much in the way that grammars
present the language of programs. In this paper, we study the relation between context-free (Backus-Naur Form) grammars and Meta Object Facility metamodels and identify when and how we can convert a grammar to a metamodel and a metamodel to a grammar. An example of this mapping for a subset of Java is shown.


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BibTeX entry:

  title = {A Relation Between Context-Free Grammars and Meta Object Facility Metamodels},
  author = {Alanen, Marcus and Porres, Ivan},
  number = {606},
  series = {TUCS Technical Reports},
  publisher = {Turku Centre for Computer Science},
  year = {2004},
  keywords = {BNF, MOF, Metamodelling, Transformations},
  ISBN = {952-12-1337-X},

Belongs to TUCS Research Unit(s): Software Construction Laboratorium

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