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Border Correlation of Binary Words

Tero Harju, Dirk Nowotka, Border Correlation of Binary Words. TUCS Technical Reports 546, Turku Centre for Computer Science, 2003.


The border correlation function
&#946; : <i>A</i><sup>*</sup> &#8594; <i>A</i><sup>*</
for <i>A</i> = {<i>a</i>, <i>b</i>}, specifies
which conjugates (cyclic shifts)
of a given word <i>w</i> of length <i>n</i> are bordered, i.e.,
&#946;(<i>w</i>) = <i>b</i><sub>0</sub><i>b</i><sub>1</
where <i>b</i><sub><i>i</i></sub> = <i>a</i>
or <i>b</i>
according to whether the <i>i</i>-th cyclic shift
of <i>w</i> is unbordered or bordered.
Except for some special cases, no binary word <i>w</i>
has two consecutive unbordered conjugates (&#963;<sup><i>i</i></sup>(<i>w</i>)
and &#963;<sup><i>i</i>+1</sup>(<i>w</i>)).
We show that this is optimal: in every cyclically overlap-free
word every other conjugate is unbordered.
We also study the relationship between unbordered conjugates and
critical points, as well as, the dynamic system given by iterating the
function &#946;. We prove that,
for each word <i>w</i> of length <i>n</i>, the sequence
<i>w</i>, &#946;(<i>w</i>), &#946;<sup>2</sup>(<i>w</i>), ...
terminates either in <i>b</i><sup><i>n</i></sup> or
in the cycle of conjugates of the word
for <i>n</i> = 2<i>k</i>+3.


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BibTeX entry:

  title = {Border Correlation of Binary Words},
  author = {Harju, Tero and Nowotka, Dirk},
  number = {546},
  series = {TUCS Technical Reports},
  publisher = {Turku Centre for Computer Science},
  year = {2003},
  keywords = {combinatorics on words, border correlation, binary words},
  ISBN = {952-12-1205-5},

Belongs to TUCS Research Unit(s): FUNDIM, Fundamentals of Computing and Discrete Mathematics

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