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Duval's Conjecture and Lyndon Words
Tero Harju, Dirk Nowotka, Duval's Conjecture and Lyndon Words. TUCS Technical Reports 479, Turku Centre for Computer Science, 2002.
Two words <i>w</i> and <i>w'</i> are conjugates if <i>w</i>=<i>xy</i>
and <i>w'</i>=<i>yx</i> for some words <i>x</i> and <i>y</i>.
A word <i>w</i>=<i>u<small><sup>k</sup></small></i>
is primitive if <i>k</i>=1 for any suitable <i>u</i>.
A primitive word <i>w</i> is a Lyndon word
if <i>w</i> is minimal among all its conjugates
with respect to some lexicographic order.
A word <i>w</i> is bordered if there is a nonempty word <i>u</i>
such that <i>w</i>=<i>uvu</i> for some word <i>v</i>.
A Duval extension of an unbordered word <i>w</i>
of length <i>n</i> is a word <i>wu</i> where all factors
longer than <i>n</i> are bordered.
A Duval extension <i>wu</i> of <i>w</i> is called trivial if
there exists a positive integer <i>k</i> such that
<i>w<small><sup>k</sup></small></i>=<i>uv</i> for some word <i>v</i>.
We prove that Lyndon words have only trivial Duval extensions.
Moreover, we show that every unbordered Sturmian word is
a Lyndon word which extends a result by Mignosi and Zamboni.
We give a conjecture which implies a sharpened
version of Duval's conjecture, namely, that for any word <i>w</i>
of length <i>n</i> any Duval extension longer or equal than 2<i>n</i>-1
is trivial. Our conjecture characterizes a property of every
word <i>w</i> which has a nontrivial Duval extension
of length 2|<i>w</i>|-2.
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BibTeX entry:
title = {Duval's Conjecture and Lyndon Words},
author = {Harju, Tero and Nowotka, Dirk},
number = {479},
series = {TUCS Technical Reports},
publisher = {Turku Centre for Computer Science},
year = {2002},
keywords = {combinatorics on words, Duval's conjecture, Lyndon words, Sturmian words},
ISBN = {952-12-1061-3},
Belongs to TUCS Research Unit(s): FUNDIM, Fundamentals of Computing and Discrete Mathematics