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Business Modelling and Digital Economy (2018 Spring)
Organisation: UTU / Faculty of Social Sciences, Business and Economics
Credit Points: 5
Responsible Person: Shahrokh Nikou, Willem Bouwman
Course code: 457520.0
Learning outcomes:
Upon completion of the course, the student should be able to:
- Analyse and evaluate business models
- Explain the importance of business models and business model innovation to value creation
- Recognise, develop and execute successful strategy using business model frameworks
- Identify the key business model components that effect the business operations
- Understand the importance of customer centrality in business models and value propositions
- Understand and specify the key features on value propositions
- Understand how to create and deliver value for customers
- Understand how to extract some of that value for the company
- Understand how different business model components impact the business
- Identify suitable business models and learn how to implement them
- Be able to use specific business model tools
Creating new, profitable business requires capturing new markets, enhancing organizational effectiveness, or
introducing products, or all of them. A new and innovative product may be a feat of engineering, but that does not
automatically turn it into a commercial success. What makes the difference between success in the lab and success in
the marketplace is the business model. We introduce the student to digital business ecosystems, encompassing both
the provider side and consumer side, as well as to the role of digital platforms. Students will be introduced to
alternative Business Model (BM) approaches, such as VISOR, CANVAS, STOF, and CSOFT. Students learn how different
business model innovation tools can be used to analyse digital business cases, and in particular cases involving small
and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and start-ups. The students get to know also BM-tools for stress testing, roadmapping,
ecosystem analyses, path-analyses, and devising relevant business metrics. For the compulsory group-work
assignment, the students are to find a case company by themselves at the beginning of the course. The case
companies must be based in European Union (including the UK). If students fail to find a suitable company for analysis,
the lecturers can help in finding suitable cases or offer alternative assignments. The assignment consists of (i) the
description of a BM of the case company, and (ii) report on the application of a specific tool with the case organization.
For the case study the lecturer?s provide a protocol that needs to be followed.