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meets the exciting future

Structural Bioinformatics (2018 Spring)

Organisation: UTU / Dept. of Future Technologies

Credit Points: 5

Responsible Person: Martti Tolvanen

Course code: BIOI4240

Learning outcomes:
After completing Structural Bioinformatics, the student can: use molecular graphics software to prepare publication-quality images of protein structures; perform homology-based protein modeling using automated servers; describe limits of usability of protein models, both in the case of experiment-based and theoretical models; and describe the principles of molecular dynamics simulations

Revision of protein structure; Macromolecular structural research methods and structure data; Molecular visalization with UCSF Chimera; Analysis of structures; Structural alignment; Homology-based modelling; Protein dynamics.



  1. Tue 6.3.–24.4. weekly at 12–14, K127, Agora
  2. Thu 8.3.–26.4. weekly at 10–12, 110C, Agora