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Jose Teixeira

TUCS Department for the doctoral studies: University of Turku, Turku School of Economics

Admitted to TUCS GP on 15.1.2011

Graduate project title:

Open-Source Platform-Based Strategies: Multiple Case Studies in the Telecommunication and Healthcare Industries

Graduate project abstract:

This research addresses the emergence of open-source based platforms currently attaining notorious relevance within the mobile-devices industry. It aims at providing a better understanding on “why, when and how corporations follow open-source based platform strategies?” within high-networked markets under constant technological evolution.

Drawn over the constructs of computer-based platforms from Hagiu (2004) and plenty of studies on open-source software adoption such as Tirole (2003) and Weber (2005), this research also bridges business strategy in network economics from Gawer and Cusumano (2007) with the psychological and anthropological concepts of sense of community (SoC) and communities of practice (CoP).

Natural occurring data was collected from open-source projects, Internet forums and semi-structured interviews were performed with different player on the industry with the goal of providing a framework and a theory that would extend what is known on open-source products to open-source platforms within an novel and updated context. Practitioners are then provided with better guidance for designing and implementing their networked technological strategies, with a small set of best-practices and common pitfalls to let their computer-based platforms succeed in high competitive markets under network effects.

More information on the researcher and its academic activities at www.jteixeira.eu


Reima Suomi (University of Turku, Turku School of Economics)

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