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Dr. Espen Suenson

Date of doctoral defense: 12.6.2015

TUCS Department for the doctoral studies: Åbo Akademi University, Department of Information Technologies

Admitted to TUCS GP on 1.9.2012

Graduate project title:

How Computer Programmers Work

Graduate project abstract:

Developing software is difficult, and the greatest difficulties often have to do with the way people think, speak to each other and work together. These things can be regarded as cultural phenomena. The aim of my research project is to use cultural theory to examine how software developers work. With basis in the field of ethnology - the study of everyday culture - I will examine the way argument and discourse are important to the quality of software construction. At the same time, I will draw on the vast technological insights from the field of computer science.

The goal is to improve software development processes in practice. The research will show how the cultural aspects of technology works, giving developers insight and concepts they can use to improve their working processes.

The research is supported by Svenska Kulturfonden, Svenska Litteratursällskapet i Finland, Gustaf Packaléns Mindefond, Det Suensonske Familielegat and Turku Center for Computer Science.

Former supervisors:

Ivan Porres (Åbo Akademi University, Department of Information Technologies)

Anna-Maria Åström, Åbo Akademi University, Faculty of Arts

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