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Including Model-Based Statistical Testing in the MATERA Approach
Andreas Bäcklund, Fredrik Abbors, Dragos Truscan, Including Model-Based Statistical Testing in the MATERA Approach. In: Bauer Thomas, Eichler Hajo, Wendland Marc-Florian, Wieczorek Sebastian (Eds.), Proceedings of 3rd Workshop on Model-based Testing in Practice (MOTIP 2010), 19–28, Fraunhofer Focus, 2010.
We present a Model-Based Testing (MBT) approach in which statistical data contained in Unified Modeling Language (UML) models are used to prioritize test cases. The models are used by a test derivation tool for automatic generation of test cases. The statistical data included in the models is used by the tool to determine the order of the resulting test cases before being implemented and executed. The test outputs are analyzed and information about requirement coverage is gathered. Based on the gathered statistics, the results are automatically fed back to the UML models to prioritize those sections of the
system where failures are frequent.
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BibTeX entry:
title = {Including Model-Based Statistical Testing in the MATERA Approach},
booktitle = {Proceedings of 3rd Workshop on Model-based Testing in Practice (MOTIP 2010)},
author = {Bäcklund, Andreas and Abbors, Fredrik and Truscan, Dragos},
editor = {Thomas, Bauer and Hajo, Eichler and Marc-Florian, Wendland and Sebastian, Wieczorek},
publisher = {Fraunhofer Focus},
pages = {19–28},
year = {2010},
Belongs to TUCS Research Unit(s): Software Engineering Laboratory (SE Lab)