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Transformational Support for Model-Based Testing – from UML to QML

Fredrik Abbors, Tuomas Pääjärvi, Risto Teittinen, Dragos Truscan, Johan Lilius, Transformational Support for Model-Based Testing – from UML to QML. In: Bauer Thomas, Eichler Hajo, Rennoch Axel, Wieczorek Sebastian (Eds.), Proceedings of 2nd Workshop on Model-based Testing in Practice, 55–64, Fraunhofer Focus, 2009.


Model-Based Testing (MBT) has lately gained increased popularity due to the benefits that it provides in terms of automation of the test generation process. There are several tools capable of applying MBT using behavioral models of the
system under test (SUT). However, as complex systems are specified using different perspectives, like architecture, data, behavior, which benefit from proper tool support especially in the Unified Modeling Language (UML) community, there is a gap between the graphical capabilities and expressiveness of the UML-based and MBT tools. In this paper, we present an approach in which the information describing different perspectives of the system under test is collected from the UML models of the SUT and transformed into input for a MBT tool, to be used for automatic test generation, execution, and evaluation.


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BibTeX entry:

  title = {Transformational Support for Model-Based Testing – from UML to QML},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of 2nd Workshop on Model-based Testing in Practice},
  author = {Abbors, Fredrik and Pääjärvi, Tuomas and Teittinen, Risto and Truscan, Dragos and Lilius, Johan},
  editor = {Thomas, Bauer and Hajo, Eichler and Axel, Rennoch and Sebastian, Wieczorek},
  publisher = {Fraunhofer Focus},
  pages = {55–64},
  year = {2009},

Belongs to TUCS Research Unit(s): Software Engineering Laboratory (SE Lab)

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