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Class and Object Model Conformance using OWL2 Reasoners

Ali Hanzala Khan, Espen Suenson, Ivan Porres, Class and Object Model Conformance using OWL2 Reasoners . In: Jaan Penjam (Ed.), Symposium on Programming Languages and Software Tools (SPLST’11) , 2011, 126–137, TUT Press, 2011.


In this article we show how to represent UML models using the Web Ontology Language OWL2 and the Semantic Web Rule Language SWRL, and how to reason about model conformance using OWL2 reasoners. Our translation from UML models to OWL2 is driven by three important forces. First, we want to maintain the closed-world assumption when reasoning about UML models. Second, we want to preserve important model information such as composition and non-unique associations. Finally, model conformance is defined solely by OWL2 axioms where possible so that many cases can be reasoned about efficiently while SWRL is used to represent model composition constraints. We have also implemented an automatic model translation tool. The model translation tool takes as input an object model and its class model and produces an ontology that can be processed by an OWL2 reasoner to reveal the object model elements that do not conform to their class model.


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BibTeX entry:

  title = {Class and Object Model Conformance using OWL2 Reasoners },
  booktitle = {Symposium on Programming Languages and Software Tools (SPLST’11) },
  author = {Khan, Ali Hanzala and Suenson, Espen and Porres, Ivan},
  volume = {2011},
  editor = {Penjam, Jaan},
  publisher = {TUT Press},
  pages = {126–137},
  year = {2011},
  keywords = {Model Validation, OWL2, Reasoning},

Belongs to TUCS Research Unit(s): Software Engineering Laboratory (SE Lab)

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